Evening Update:
I made it to my hostel in no time by taking a cab over. I wasn’t sure what to expect since I had never stayed at a hostel before. When I got there, my room wasn’t ready yet so I waited in the lobby and spent some time on the internet. I started to get a little worried when I noticed a Hostel movie poster posted in the lobby. Yikes! I haven’t seen the movie, but I know enough about it that it makes me a little nervous to see the poster there, LoL. When my room was ready the guy was kind enough to “lend” me my key for a 10 euro deposit of course. LoL! The room was nice, basic, but nice. Most importantly, it was warm! When it’s -2 degrees outside, warm is important! When I got settled in I went back downstairs because I had not eaten anything since my Snickers bar on the train. The guys at the front desk pointed me in the right direction and just a block away I found a real nice supermarket. With just under 5 Euros I was able to buy myself all kinds of goodies. Enough for dinner, breakfast, and a snack for my train ride tomorrow. While I was out and about I decided to walk a couple blocks and explore a little bit of Berlin. It was nice, but it was starting to get dark so I quickly got back to my hostel.
After a nice hot shower, I washed a few articles of clothing and ate an early dinner. My body is clearly still on California time because I was nodding off by 5:30 pm. I decided to call it a night and was in bed by 6pm. Tomorrow I have to get up early once again. I plan on taking a cab over to the central station in Berlin and take the 8:45am train to Prague. I think this time my train ride will be a little more pleasant since I have a seat reservation and snacks in my bag. I can’t wait to see Prague! It’s a shame I didn’t get to see Berlin, but there’s always next year. It’s only a 6 hour train ride from Holland.