I had a fabulous time at my dinner/folk dancing event. I dined at the fancy Kiraly Etterem Restaurant. The food was amazing and the entertainment was superb! For our first course we had a pasta type thing stuffed with meat and topped with paprika sauce. It turns out paprika is very popular here in Hungry because for the main course we had a beef with potato dish topped again with a type of paprika sauce. Then for dessert we had a delicious bread pudding type of dish filled with custard and topped with chocolate sauce and whip cream Yum-Yum! Man, when I get back home I’ll have to hit the gym double time!! LOL! I was also given some alcoholic drink I can’t name and some red wine. Yes, I actually drank it…not all of course LOL, just a few sips.

The entertainment was great! I loved it so much I ended up buying two CDs. One for my mother –in-law and one for my mommy. It’s a great souvenir from Budapest.