Evening Update:
Marco and I finally made it to Skip’s house a little before 8 pm because my bag was not delivered until 7:15 due to bad traffic on the highways. At first, I was a little upset that they were late with my bag, but when it finally arrived I was just glad to see my stuff was all there. Yay, clean underwear once again!
It was good to see Skip again! I can’t believe it’s already been a year since we last hung out with our buddy. We were all starving when we got to his place, so we put on winter gear on and walked over to Gouda’s center. Our favorite Shuarma place is located just a block from Gouda’s city hall. When we walked in, the owner quickly recognized Marco and said, “Wow, has it been a year already? You’re from American, right? I remember you from last year.” That kind of stuff always happens to Marco. I guess he just has that memorable type of face. The same thing happened to him when we went to city hall before we got married. We had to go in and meet the judge that was going to marry us. This lady walked out with a giant book in her hand, and when she saw Marco she quickly lit up and said: “Marco? Marco B? Wow, it has been a long time! Do you remember me? I was your elementary school teacher!?” Yup, this was Marco’s first grade teacher and she quickly recognized him. I thought to myself: “WTF?!? She had not seen him since he was 6 years old and there she was recognizing him! Wow! I know he grew up in a small town but dang!”
Anyway, after a lovely dinner, we got to Skip’s house and the boys got on the internet to figure out what time I would have to be at the airport for my early train. Things are starting to look better for my trip. Thank goodness!