Our day started early and by 10am we were at Marco’s sister’s (Jacky) house. His sister and her family (the Boelen family) invited us to go indoor go-cart riding with them. We met up at her house and then went by Gouda to pick up Skip before heading to Zoetermeer. We were there by noon as scheduled. We got suited up, put on our helmets, and listened to a quick breakdown of the rules. Each race last about 15 minutes so we decided to go for 2 rounds. I came in last place, LOL! Even the kids beat me! Of course my arms were cramping most of the time and my inner thighs were bruising since I was too short for the cart and had to be pushed all the way forward in order to reach the pedals. Yeah I guess those are not really excuses…I just suck at go-carting LOL. I was surprised they let me ride at all since before we left the house Marco measured me and found I was too short to race. Ugh! I feel like such a shorty when I come to Holland, or as I call it, The Land of the Giants.

We picked up a quick lunch at McDonald’s and headed to Jacky’s house. We hung out for a bit, did some grocery shopping, and Jacky made us some fabulous pancakes for dinner. After dinner we had to say goodbye and headed to Marco’s mom’s house. His other sister (Karin) and her husband (Arie) came over with the kids to wish us a good flight home and to say goodbye. The kids (Vince and Sven) were soooo sweet! They made us Mr. Potato heads out of real potatoes as going away gifts. It’s a shame we have to leave them behind since we can’t bring them on the plane with us. I’m going to miss the kids so much! Every time we come back to visit they’re older and older and I always feel like I’ve missed out on a lot. Too bad California can’t be next to Holland.
The kids (Vince and Sven) took a liking to my camera while we were here and took several pictures of their own. Below is an example but I will have to upload the rest when I get back to the States. They’re excellent photographers for only being 9 and 6 years old!
The kids (Vince and Sven) took a liking to my camera while we were here and took several pictures of their own. Below is an example but I will have to upload the rest when I get back to the States. They’re excellent photographers for only being 9 and 6 years old!
This picture was taken by Sven (age 6)
This picture was taken by Vince (age 9).