[22:17] banana: microsoft office 2007 is funny looking
[22:17] banana: it looks like a kids version of office
[22:17] banana: have you seen this thing yet?
[22:18] lemon: yeah
[22:18] lemon: i use it
[22:18] banana: it's like office for dummies or something
[22:18] banana: i didn't want to switch for a while 'cause i thought it was silly
[22:20] banana: I finally gave in and switched
[22:20] lemon: i actually like it
[22:20] lemon: A LOT
[22:20] lemon: because i can put in equations and symbols
[22:20] banana: true dat
[22:21] lemon: it makes my engineering reports look top notch
[22:21] lemon: as if i know what i'm talking about
[22:21] banana: but we all know you don't
[22:21] lemon: yes