Today has been a day of bad news. First I hear that Jason's U-haul was found but it had been burned to the ground. That's very upsetting news. Then I go to the doctor's and find out that this little problem I've been having may have been caused by diabetes! Yikes! Anyhow, long story short...went to get my blood tested and now I have to wait a few weeks to get the results. I sure hope they come back negative 'cause I really don't want to have to deal with something like that. It doesn't help to find out that diabetes runs in both sides of the family. Crap! I will post an update as soon as I hear something.
Today I also had to say goodbye to my sweet friend Xiaoyu who has gotten an internship for the summer. I wish her all the best! It's always sad to see great people go.
On a happier note, Happy Birthday to my buddy Carlo who turned 26 today! Yay Carlo! Also, tomorrow is the start of my week long vacation so I'm looking forward to that.
**Seen above, Carlo and Xiaoyu at Acapulco**