Friday, March 30, 2007

Fanoos Grill & Cat Toy


I tried Persian food for the first time today and loved it! Fridays we try to make it a little exciting by going somewhere new for lunch and today we went to a new little Persian restaurant called Fanoos Grill in Torrance. The place didn’t look like anything special at first, but after tasting their food…wow! Also today...
The girls got a new toy from Susana and they’re having a blast with it. It’s amazing how entertaining a circling ball is to a cat.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Mustang & Art Show

We had the honor of riding in Regi’s mustang today and it was tons of fun! We drove with the top down and let the wind blow through our hair while listening to some bad ass Tupac.
Later Amanda and I attended an art show opening at the local college and were very impressed at the work they were showing. The painting/sculptures were amazing, too bad we can’t afford any of them.

Monday, March 26, 2007

M.C. Escher Rap

OMG this weeks Family Guy was so funny! I couldn’t stop laughing after seeing this!

6th Year Anniversary

Marco & I celebrated our 6th year anniversary by going to Black Angus for dinner. It was nice to taste dessert again even though I could only take a few bites before I was stuffed.

Thanks for the wonderful dinner & flowers Lucca!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Indoor Helicopter

Today the girls got a new toy. Well it turns out the toy is more for Marco than for the cats. LoL! Lily & Smuckers are very curious about the indoor copter but they’re still a little afraid of it.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Water Walk & The Getty

Today was so awesome!
I participated in the World Water Day walk at Santa Monica along with several hundred people. This was for a great cause and I can’t wait to participate again next year. After my 6 mile walk to Venice Beach and back to Santa Monica Pier I had a fabulous shrimp dish for lunch. (see more pics here)

Later I decided to stop by the Getty Museum on my way home and check out their special collections. I took advantage of the great weather and took an architectural tour and after a few hours of taking in some culture I headed home.
Today was soooo awesome!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Full Tank for $5

Marco got lucky today when he went to fill up his tank. It turns out the gas station near our house made the mistake of inputting 33 cents a gallon instead of $3.30! So he left with a full tank of gas for only $5! Lucky Guy!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Rocky Peak

Marco and I decided to go to Rocky Peak for our weekend hike. This was our first time up there and it turned out to be a real nice hike. The weather was nice and cool which was perfect for hiking but didn’t give us a very clear view of the valley.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Little Ethan

We had a wonderful time visiting Janice and meeting little Ethan for the first time. That baby is the cutest thing ever!!! I can’t wait to see him again. He loves posing for the camera as you can see in this picture. It looks like he is giving us his Blue Steel Magnum look here. Hehehe…he’s so adorable!!

Thanks for inviting us over Janice!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ceramic Teapots

Our teapots are finally out of the kiln and they’re looking pretty good. Amanda made a cute little fishy and I ended up creating a cat teapot. Now we have to figure out what colors to glaze them before they go into the kiln again. This ceramics class is turning out to be lots of fun.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

New Nokia

I finally got myself a new phone since my old one just suddenly froze. So far I really like this new phone/mp3 player/camera/voice recorder…LoL!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Photography Outing

My buddy Thomas and I decided to go on a photography outing since our plans to visit the Observatory fell through. First we took some nice shots at The Grove and later drove over to the La Brea Tar Pits area. I had an awesome time! I love going out with my camera and just taking random pictures of stuff.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Korean BBQ

Today I went with a bunch of my buddies to K-Town and tried some Korean BBQ. I had a wonderful time grilling up a storm!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Beautiful Sky

The sky was beautiful tonight! Perfect for a nice moonlight walk.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

La Capilla Birthdays

We celebrated Joe and Joanne’s birthday at La Capilla where they each got a free birthday meal with a yummy dessert and a lovely song. LoL!

Happy Birthday J & J!