Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Years Fireworks

Marco has looked forward to today all year and I think you can see why by the pictures above. We spent the day with Marco's sister and her kids lighting the smaller fireworks right outside their home. Then as midnight approached we all went to his mother's house and the boys busted out the larger and more dangerous fireworks. Holland is such a warzone on New Years Eve, if you haven't seen it-you should. Those Dutch are CRAZY!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Gouda Friends

Had a wonderful time visiting Marco's long time buddy Ronald and his girlfriend Simone at their new place in Gouda. A special thanks to them both for inviting us over.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Brussels Christmas Market

Marco, Skip, and I checked out Brussels and found an awesome Christmas market which included a light show, skating rink, and a huge ferris wheel.
Other things we did in Brussels:
Visited the comic book museum
Checked out the center
Saw the Manneken Pis
And, took some awesome pictures

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Goodbye Contiki Tour. . . Hello Brussels

Before leaving Paris I had to go visit the Louvre. I spent an entire morning at the museum before hoping on a train and meeting Marco and Skip in Brussels.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

More Paris!

I wish we had another week in Paris. There's so much to see and do, it's impossible to see it all in a few days.

Monday, December 25, 2006


There aren't enough words to describe how much I loved Paris! I think this picture says it all.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Lion of Lucerne

The drive to Switzerland was beautiful. We didn't end up arriving until real late but we still managed to get some shopping done and later Meera and I checked out the Lion of Lucerne.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Yummy food in Florence

Things we did in Florence:
Went to the Academia to check out the David
Took a walking tour of the city
Had a yummy Gelato
Did some major shopping
And attended a Tuscan dinner

Friday, December 22, 2006

Segundo Dia en Roma

We spent another fun day in Rome. I think Meera, Pablo, and I saw every inch of Rome there was to see!! No kidding!


We almost got hit by a car
We lost eachother when the bus pulled away without me
We took the wrong bus and ended up in the run down side of Rome...

and that's only a fraction of what happened to us today!
Besides all the drama, we actually got to see everything we wanted to see.

Ciao Roma!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Pablo in Roma

Pablo and I checked out some of the Roman sights our first night there. Tomorrow we'll have more time to explore. Yay!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Gondola in Venice

Venice was beautiful! We had a wonderful time on the gondola ride and then shopping at the stores. Although it was extremely cold at night I had a great time walking around checking out the city.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Snow in Austria

Today we arrived in Austria but took a small detour to see the castle that inspired Cinderella's castle at Disneyland. It was so beautiful! It was even better than usual since the entire area was covered in snow.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Beer Time in Munich

Having a wonderful time in germany!

Today we
went to the oldest beerhall
took a walking tour of the city
took some great pictures
ate wonderful food, and
checked out the world famous christmas markets

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Back in Amsterdam

Well, I made it. I'm back in Holland and wouldn't you know it, it's raining. Yuck! But then again it's always raining here. I'm waiting around for my Contiki group to show up so I thought I would go on the net for a few minutes. Later I plan on walking around town to get good shots of Pablo. I hope this is not my only post while on this trip.

Greetings from Holland!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Super Susana's Birthday

Today we celebrated Susana's birthday and I think she was pretty happy with the gifts we got her. Her birthday is actually tomorrow but since her and I will be gone tomorrow we decided to celebrate it today.

Tomorrow I'm flying to Holland to start my European Tour!! Yay!! I'm starting to get excited about it. I'm not sure how much computer access I will actually have during my trip but I will try to post as often as I can.

Ciao Everyone! Have a Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year! See you in 2007.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Pablo in Vietnam

Pablo came home today with some wonderful pictures from Vietnam! It looks like he had a fabulous time there with Terry and Eugenia. This lucky monkey will only be home for just a few days before going off to Europe with me. Yay!

For next year Pablo will be traveling to Boston in early February and to Cambodia in March.

Go here to see more pics of Pablo in Vietnam.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

2006 Company X-mas Party

I had an awesome time at the company Christmas party this weekend! The after-party at Craig's was the bomb as well! It was so cool watching people drink their way to silliness. LoL!

Highlights of the Party:

- The yummy buffet
- Susana being silly
- The girls dancing the electric slide
- Jim, Dave, and Scott singing along to Metallica
- A tour around Craig's house
- Just hanging out with all my awesome coworkers.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Holiday Street

Marco and I took a short drive down one of his favorite streets in the SF Valley. This particular street goes all out during the holidays, and Christmas is no exception. We found several cars parked along the street checking out all the crazy decorations. Seen above is only one of at least 15 homes iced with Christmas lights.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Monster Monitor

Marco’s new toy was delivered today and boy was he happy. Although I wasn’t fond of the idea at first, I’m starting to really warm up to it. This thing is HUGE!!

Crazy boys and their toys!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Bathroom Sign

I guess El Pollo Loco has decided to get a little creative with their signs. LoL!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Crazy Winds

Man, these Santa Ana winds are making my sinuses crazy! I can't wait for it to calm down.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Spiffy New Car 4 Manda

Amanda finally got her new car and it's wayyy spiffy! This car must have over 20 storage compartments in it. I'm so jealous.

Congrats Amanda! I hope this car brings you lots of good luck...unlike our Mazdas. LoL!

Guinea Pigs

It's so cool to see old friends, especially when I'm having a hard day at work.

A special thanks to Lemon and Amelia for being good sports and agreeing to be our guinea pigs. LoL!