There are so many stupid drivers in L.A.!
I can't stand drivers who:
-Follow way too closely and break at the last minute
-Have big cars and feel that's a reason to cut you off
-Don't use their blinkers
-Stick their arm out and think that's a free pass to cut into your lane
-Don't give you the "Thank you" wave when you let them go first or let them cut in
-Change lanes every 2 seconds because they think the next lane is going much faster when in fact everyone is in a traffic jam
-Speed up when they see you’re trying to merge into their lane
-Don't move out of the way when a faster car is clearly trying to get passed them
-Drive on the freeway while going below 60 mph
-Drive on the fast lane below an average speed of 75 mph
-Drive while reading the newspaper, changing radio stations, and plucking their eyebrows!
If you fall into any of these categories....YOU SUCK and it's time to CHANGE or give up your license!!